Further Works by Kim Childress
Books & Articles
Find Your Future in Art, Find Your Future series, by Kim Childress, Cherry Lane Publishing, August 2016, 9781634719476
Body & Soul: A Girl’s Guide to a Fit, Fun, and Fabulous Life, Contributor and editor, by Bethany Hamilton, Zondervan, May 2014, 9780310731054
Our Constitution Rocks! Contributor and editor, by Juliette Turner, Zondervan, September 2012, 9780310734215
Wacky Bible Gross Outs and Wacky Bible Blockheads, It’s A Fact series, Zondervan, ages 11–14, 9780310744245/9780310744191
“Freelance Success Stories, Delivering Articles Like Babies,” 2008 Writer’s Market Deluxe Edition. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 2007, page 39
“Children’s Writers In Hollywood,” 2007 Book Markets for Children’s Writers. Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, 2007
“Saving Hairy Long Legs,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 5, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001, page 71
“Encore!,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 5, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001
“The Raft,” Short-Short Stories for Reading Aloud—Grade 6, North Carolina: Education Center, 2001
“Special Sales & Niche Marketing, Reach an Expanding Marketplace,” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 2000, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, page 161
“Sports Research & Writing, All About Stats?” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 2000, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, page 211
“Think Like a Publicist,” The Children’s Writer’s Guide to 1999, Connecticut: Institute of Children’s Literature, 1999, page 177
“Reaching for the Ultimate Fly,” Girls’ Life, June/July 1999, page 74
“Sisters are Good for You,” GirlWorldDaily.com, October, 2010
“Sharing Space,” GirlWorldDaily.com, July 2010
“Mosaic Madness,” Kiki Magazine, kikicraft.com, March, 2010
“Babysitters Club is Back!” GirlWorldDaily.com, April, 2010
“Closet Confidential,” GirlMogulMom.com, March 2010
“The Body Scoop for Girls,” GirlMogulMom.com, February, 2010
“Amira Mortenson & Pennies for Peace,” Encounter Magazine, Winter 2009-2010
“Teen Screen Queen,” GirlWorldDaily.com, February 15, 2008
“Impromptu Modesty,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, February/March 2008
“Style-tastic!” GirlWorldDaily.com, December 15, 2008
“What’s Buggin’ Ya?” GirlWorldDaily.com, December 15, 2008
“Presents for your Besties,” GirlWorldDaily.com, December 15, 2008
“Love Others,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, February/March 2007
“Frantic Over Fever,” Focus on the Child, Early Stages, Focus on the Family, February/March 2007
“The Dangers of Sarcasm,” Focus on the Child, Tween Years, Focus on the Family, February/March 2007
“Aging Gracefully,” Family Focus, Focus on the Family, Aug/Sept 2006
“It’s All In The Ear; Exploring the World of Children’s Audiobooks,” Children’s Writer, May, 2006
“Having Less, Doing More,” Family Focus, Focus on the Family, October/November 2005
“All in the Ear,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, October 2005
“In Case of Emergency,” Family Focus, Focus on the Family, August/September 2005
“Home-Based Working Moms,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, February/March 2005
“Thirty Day Gourmet,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, January 2005
“No to School,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, August/September 2004
“Kids At Play,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, July 2004
“Bible Basics 101,” Devo’ Zine, The Upper Room, March/April 2004
“Surviving Budget Cuts,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, February 2004
“Living with Childhood Asthma,” Focus on the Child, Early Stages, Focus on the Family, November 2003
“The Gentle Cycle,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, Oct. 2003
“Beauty on the Fly,” Focus on the Child, Early Stages, Focus on the Family, September 2003
“Get Neighborly,” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, July 2003
“Fun on the Fly,” Focus on the Child, Growing Years, Focus on the Family, June 2003
“Wilderness Excursions for the Family,” Focus on the Child, Focus on the Family, June 2003
“Am I Depressed?” Focus on the Child, Discovery Years, Focus on the Family, February/March 2003