Author Highlight: Diana Vilič
(Pronounced Dee-ah-nuh Vee-lic)
Diana Vilič is an Author, Product Developer, and Literary Agent at Childress Ink with a BA in Marketing, a recently completed BS in Behavioral Science, experienced in agency advertising, customer relations, and finance. Whether analyzing markets, writing poetry, or working with an author on branding, Diana works on a personal level with her clients and is able to provide a unique and visionary approach. When unplugged, you will find Diana working on a home project while pursuing her love of and becoming certified in Interior Design and running Dee&Co, an interior design company and platform that takes a holistic approach to how we interact with our environments.
Product Developer ~ Poet ~ PR Pro
Coming from an advertising and literary background, Diana uses her skills to help our clients build long-term personal and literary brands. Leveraging inbound, growth, guerilla, and traditional public relations, Diana not only represents our authors but helps guide them closer to their personal and professional goals.
Using her behavioral science and art background, she creates physical and fictional environments that transport readers into their subconscious minds and guides them into their aspirational selves. Former Founder and Editor In Chief of mental health magazine, DORD, Diana has years of experience starting and rebranding brands for both herself, clients, and authors. Diana also has a long career in marketing, graphic design, web development, and consulting and has worked with top brands in a variety of industries to better communicate their brand message and connect with consumers. She is also a contributing Features Writer for House Digest, and she works with real estate professionals to develop communication that aids their clientele. Inspired by her rich Balkan heritage and the experience of being a first generation American born to refugee parents, Diana in Lexicon of Loving You, explores the struggle of being an outsider who is too much for one world and not enough for another, while exploring the loneliness caused by never feeling at home in your own cultures. Finding herself eventually processing how love, even one that takes you on a journey, changes all of that–making you become the version of yourself you were always meant to be or “to fulfill the meaning of your name,” as she puts it.
Diana brings nearly ten-years of agency experience, as she worked full time while obtaining her BA in Business Administration and Marketing, she is currently pursuing interior design--but that is another story. Follow Diana on Dee&Co (Interior Design): https://www.thedee.co, Instagram, YouTube, Goodreads, Twitter, LinkedIn, Dee&Co.