Author Highlight: Alyshia Hull
Award-winning journalist and founder of Make Your Break, an online community of goal setters, Alyshia Hull started off as a freelance writer, speaker and YouTuber with the goal of getting children involved with reading, writing, and goal-setting. With this mission in mind, Alyshia has written for Girls’ Life magazine, Bossbabe.co, Intern Queen, American Greetings, and other media outlets to promote this very message. She regularly contributes lifestyle pieces for Business Insider, BuzzFeed, Entrepreneur, HuffPost, Rachael Ray, AdWeek, and more. Follow her on YouTube at Make Your Break and Taco and Friends, Instagram, and your prefered social media platforms.
Publications Sampling
Regular Contributor:
Alyshia Hull on Business Insider
Alyshia Hull on BuzzFeed
- "4 Reasons You Get Passed up for Promotions; From a Google Recruiter," Business Insider, Nov. 11, 2024, BusinessInsider.com
- "3 Work Problems HR Can't Solve for You,"Business Insider, Nov. 11, 2024, BusinessInsider.com
- " Severence Agreement: What to Negotiate When Laid Off," Fast Company, Nov. 15, 2024, FastCompany.com
- "How to Nail the Follow-Up with a Hiring Manager," Sucess Magazine, Oct. 8, 2024, Sucess.com
- "4 Mistakes to Stop Making at High-End Restaurants, According to an Etiquette Expert, Sep. 8, 2024, Business Insider, businessinsider.com
- "Make Yourself Layoff Proof, From an HR Expert," Business Insider, Aug. 9, 2024, businessinsider.com
- "Things You Should Never Do In a Fancy Restaurant, From an Etiquette Expert," Business Insider, Sep. 9, 2024, businessinsider.com
- “Losing My Dog Was Like Losing a Family Member; I'm Still Grieving," Business Insider, June 9, 2024, businessinsider.com
- "What to Email Job Recruiters If You Think You've Been Ghosted," Business Insider, May 18, 2024, business insider.com
- "Having the Name Taylor Swift has Helped My Career," Business Insider, 2024, business insider.com
- What Do You Way When You Just Don't Know the Answer in a Job Interview?" Fast Company, April 30, 2024, FastCompany.com
- "30 Gorg Dresses to Make You a Dress Lover," Buzzfeed, buzzfeed.com
- "5 Things Smart Job Candidates Do to Stand Out," Hull, Alyshia, Entrepreneur, Nov. 8, 2023. Entrepreneur
Greeting Cards:
- Father’s Day Greeting, Noble Works, World's Best Dad: Hilarious Father's Day Printed Greeting Card (nobleworkscards.com)
- Five cards coming from American Greetings, release dates TBD
Literary Agent, Kim Childress
Product Developers: Diana Vilic, Kelly White, Robert Carter, Jared Salomon
"Put yourself out there!"
~ Alyshia Hull